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Proud Display Partners of Laminam – Italian Porcelain

Proud Display Partners of Laminam – Italian Porcelain

Last autumn, I signed an agreement for Studio Hamilton to become an official display partner for Laminam and can proudly announce that we now have 3 seperate displays along with a comprehensive collection of samples to choose from.

What’s equally pleasing, is that we have Laminam’s full range of ceramic porcelain finishes intergrated into our kitchen design CAD software, bringing our clients’ choices into reality before finalising their projects.

« I am excited to be specifying Laminam Porcelain for my clients’ kitchen projects. Being an Official Display Partner is a particular treat. »

Studio Hamilton offers a variety of quality kitchen worktop and cladding solutions but Laminam is at the heart of this. Their support and expertise will be reflected in the advice, skill and care which I and Studio Hamilton’s superb team will bring to you and your home.

If you have any questions about Laminam, porcelain as a worktop material or an other kitchen related advice, please feel free to get in touch. You’ll have my personal attention.


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